Sliding Scale
The goal of nepantla healing space is to ensure that everyone in our community has equitable access to our wellness space and offerings. In order to address financial inaccessibility, we provide a pay-what-you-can or sliding scale rate using the work of Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts & Cunning Apothecary to help guide your payment. There are three suggested sliding scale options defined below: supporter rate, sustain rate, and access rate. We trust you to choose the rate that aligns with your current financial situation, and we encourage honesty and transparency in this process. Your contribution, whatever it may be, helps sustain our space and allows us to continue providing accessible wellness services to all who seek them. Because we recognize that many of us experience nepantla in our finances, we assure that no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Kindly and honorably reflect and determine what is accessible for you using the guidelines below.
I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs (including food, housing and transportation).
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs.
I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property.
I own or lease a car.
I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs
I have regular access to health care
I have access to financial savings
I have an expendable income
I can always buy new items
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I own or lease a car
I am employed
I have access to health care
I have access to financial savings
I have some expendable income
I am able to buy new items & thrift others
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford gas
I am unemployed or underemployed
I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and health care
I have no access to savings
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden